Social Committee
Our social committee is responsible for organising a variety of events throughout the year which go someway towards raising the extra funds needed to keep our church running. Meals at Advent, Lent, Spring, Summer and Harvest provide an opportunity for parishioners to socialise together and enjoy a three course meal.
Coffee mornings, cake sales, table-top sales take place throughout the year, as well as concerts and entertainment.
During the spring the committee is responsible for organising our Well Dressing event, a local Derbyshire custom of creating a picture out of flowers, where cream teas and Ploughman's Lunches are served.
In December our 'Christmas Tree Festival' takes place, again with refreshments, raffles and tombola all provided by the social committee.
Men’s Group
The men’s group meets on Monday evenings for a social get together (contact the Churchwardens for further details).
The group is responsible for some of the more physical activities needed to keep the church running, such as erecting and dismantling the stage, shifting a few dozen Christmas trees around and helping with running repairs to church property.
Pastoral Team
There is an active Pastoral Team who work in the local community. Please enquire for more details.
Serving Team
Flower Arrangers
Brass Cleaners