“The Real Presence in the Community”
Since it was built in 1850 Christ Church has stood confidently, but not defensively, in the “Catholic” tradition of the Church of England, which means that in our worship we try to glorify God with all our being – body, mind and spirit – and with all our senses; and that we strongly affirm our belief that there is only One Church, stretching across the world and down through the ages; a unity of which the Bishop in each place is the living sign.
Our main weekly service is Sung Parish Mass on Sundays at 11am. This service features both our robed four-part choir and full serving team and lasts just over an hour. In this service we receive consecrated bread and wine – the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ; if you normally receive Communion in your own church of whatever denomination, you are welcome and indeed encouraged to receive with us. The service will last just over an hour and children’s activities are available.
Our church is warm in more than one sense, we try to be inclusive in everything we do, welcoming all people, regardless of race, gender or orientation to our church. We have a mixed choir and a mixed serving team; male and female priests celebrate Mass at our altars.
We are what some might call “High Church” and so our choir and servers are robed and our clergy wear vestments. Incense is used at all Sung Masses and at Solemn Evensong & Benediction. However, we are not stuffy – we like to enjoy ourselves! If we don’t enjoy what we do, we won’t do it well.
Evensong and other Masses are quieter and more reflective and after Mass on Wednesday most of us stay for tea or coffee, biscuits informal chat and fellowship.
We have toilets and parking is available in the solicitors’ car park next door or behind the church.
On this website you will find information about what we enjoy and what we try (with varying degrees of success) to do well. Please use the menu at the top of the page for more information, and do get in touch if you have any questions.
We do hope you will come along and give us a try – perhaps even join us – we look forward to welcoming you.
The Rev'd Rachel Burdett
“A little history”
Christ Church has stood at ‘The Triangle’ end of Bridge Street, where the roads from Derby, Matlock and Ashbourne meet, for 167 years.
Originally the little hamlet of Beaurepaire looked to the parish church in Duffield, and a chapel of ease was established in the C13.
It served until the early C19 but, by then, the rapid rise in population, resulting from the establishment of the Strutt Mill in 1776, meant the chapel was far too small.
In 1845 the Strutt family provided the impetus for this church to be built. First the new Ecclesiastical District of Bridge Hill was created, a priest in charge appointed, and church services were then held in the Club Room of the nearby Talbot Public House.
An appeal was launched for a new church and in 1847 a plot of land was purchased at 8s 6d per square yard. The Appeals committee must have done an excellent job – donations came from “a servant, Brighton”, “Henley on Thames Cricket Club” and "Her Majesty, Adelaide, the Queen Dowager". By the time the foundation stone was laid, two thirds of the money had been raised, and the rest was supplied by grants.
The church was consecrated on Tuesday 30 July 1850.